Peter Bertram & Sons binders Glasgow; s.d. (après 1892) Ref.1 37,5 x 35 x 12 cm; 40pp. en carton, incrusté de différents exemples et de différents tissus. Attention weight 10kg !!!
Catalogue, Design & Decoration, Fashion
“Echantillons de Couture faits sur la machine à éventailler de la Cie Singer, Classe No. 16 K 116, pour l’ornémentation de Corsets de dames, Habillements, Bottines, Soulliers, Pantoufles, etc.
Samples of work done on the Singer Manufacturing Coy’s Class 16 K 116 “Fanning” Machine, for ornamenting Corsets, Clothing, Boots, Shoes etc.”
- BERTRAM, Peter stationer and bookbinder Glasgow, Post-office receiving house.
335 and 341 Argyll Street works 86 York Street 1888-91
Peter Bertram & Sons same address 1892- Twentieth Century
Wholesale stationer, account-book manufacturer and importer of fancy goods Glas Dir 1871; not in General Directory Glas Dir 1887; Glas Dir